Privacy. Forever.

Decide what happens to your online accounts when you leave this dimension behind.

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They're in for
a few surprises.

We don't blame you - we all have secrets. Store receipts, travel itineraries, pictures you've sent and received. Whatever you've got in your inbox, it could be made available to your family. And let's face it, when you're at the eternal happy hour with Joan of Arc and Einstein - it's already too late.

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Damn it, now
they all know
I love Nickelback.

Not only could your guilty pleasure become public knowledge, imagine it playing in your funeral. Whilst your music taste might be trivial, it's just the tip of the iceberg. When you're riding unicorns at the astral planes of Saturn - your rights to privacy are gone.

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I promise I won't
tell, but my mom
might read it.

Imagine a lifetime of online chats, done in sworn secrecy and confidentiality. Now imagine all of those chats, made available to someone else. That someone else will be offended. Your friend will be pissed off. And trust us, the embarrassment will travel through space and time and find you.

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